Uon survey tool guide

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Get credentials for creating surveys

Write an email to [[1]] with the following details:

 *Full Name
 *Payroll Number
 *College/ Unit
 *Role/ Designation

Access the survey tool

From a browser: Enter http://surveys.uonbi.ac.ke/index.php/admin/ 

Survey access.png?400

Create Surveys

Click on the arrow besides the **Surveys** button that is located on the main toolbar of your LimeSurvey. A dialog drop-down list will show up from where you can choose the **Create** a new survey option \\

Survey create.png?500

The following page will load:\\

Survey portal.png?600

    • Description:** Key in the description of your survey
    • Welcome:** Type in the welcome message
    • End message:** Type in the message which your recipients will see once they complete the survey\\

Survey title.png?600

Survey Settings

For detailed explanation on any aspect of creating a survey on this platform, consult the [Limesurvey Manual]

Question Types

When creating questions for your survey, a variety of question types are provided as shown below: -\\

Question types.png?600


Click on **Statistics** in the settings of your survey\\

Survey statistics.png?300

Survey responses.png?500

It is possible to export the responses for further analysis\\

Survey export responses.png?300